Colonial/​Racial Histories, National Nar­rat­ives and Transnational Migration

12 ̶ 14 August, 2020, University of Helsinki, Finland

The 20th Nordic Migration Research conference and the 17th ETMU conference will be organized jointly at the University of Helsinki, Finland, in August 12 ̶ 14, 2020, under the theme of Colonial/Racial Histories, National Narratives and Transnational Migration. The conference aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for discussions in which the colonial/racial past and present (coloniality) are seen as relevant for how diasporic communities, racialized minorities and Indigenous Peoples are encountered and acted upon in the Nordic societies, as well as how these communities resist, question, resurgence, organize themselves and seek for alternative horizons beyond hierarchies.

The Migration Institute of Finland is the only institute in Finland specialising in both the research and documentation of migration flows. Our special task involves documenting the life of Finns…
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This page features events organised by the Migration Institute of Finland. News can be found on their dedicated page.
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