
Welcome to the final seminar of the Academy of Finland funded research project “Family Separation, Migration Status, and Everyday Security: Experiences and Strategies of Vulnerable Migrants” (2018-2022) hosted by the Migration Institute of Finland.

The seminar is divided in two parts. The first part takes place in Helsinki on 18.5.2022 and focuses on the nexus of migration in/from Africa and restrictive EU-policies, resulting in insecurity as experienced by vulnerable migrants and returnees. It will be possible to participate either in place or online.

18.5.2022 / Migration in/from Africa, EU-policies and Everyday (In)security

House of Science and Letters, Helsinki (Runeberginkatu 14-16), A300, and online at 14.00-17.00.
Kindly note that changes in the programme are still possible.

Registration for this seminar by May 16nd 2022

14.00-14.15 Opening / Senior Research Fellow Marja Tiilikainen, Migration Institute of Finland

14.15-14.45 A region on the move: Politics, migration and displacement in the Horn of Africa / Professor Laura Hammond, SOAS

14.45-15.15 Migration policy and everyday (in)security of rejected asylum seekers / Researcher Abdirashid Ismail, Migration Institute of Finland

15.15-15.45 Coffee & tea

15.45-16.15 Who can be sustainably reintegrated after return? Using post-return monitoring for rights-based return policies / Senior Researcher Jill Alpes, Ghent University

16.15-16.30 Work towards the Reform of the Aliens Act – food for thoughts / Senior Ministerial Adviser Jutta Gras, Ministry of the Interior

16.30-17.00 Discussion

The second part of the final seminar is organized at the Migration Institute of Finland, Turku, on 19-20.5.2022, but due to uncertain corona situation and limited space, it is mostly accessible online. In the seminar main results from three main research themes will be presented: legal and practical obstacles to family reunification, migration policies and experiences of everyday (in)security, and irregular migration and its impact on family life.

Photo: Angel Iglesias Ortiz

19.5.2022 / Family Separation, Migration Status and Everyday Security

Online and at the Migration Institute of Finland at 9.45am-16.30pm.
Kindly note that changes in the programme are still possible.

Registration for this two-day seminar by May 16nd 2022

9.45-10.00 Welcome / Director Saara Pellander, Migration Institute of Finland

10.00-10.30 Background and presentation of the project / Senior Research Fellow Marja Tiilikainen, Migration Institute of Finland

10.30-11.30 Separated families and forced transnationalism in Europe / Professor Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University London

11.30-12.45 Lunch

Session I: Legal and practical obstacles to family reunification

12.45-13.15 Many obstacles – little advice / University Teacher Jaana Palander, University of Eastern Finland

13.15-13.30 Commentary / Associate Professor Helena Wray, University of Exeter

13.30-13.45 Commentary / Head of Section Leena Turku, Finnish Immigration Service

13.45-14.00 Commentary / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

14.00-14.20 Discussion

14.20-14.45 Coffee & tea

Session II: Migration policies and experiences of everyday (in)security

14.45-15.15 Transnational family, affect and immobility / University Lecturer Johanna Hiitola, University of Oulu

15.15-15.30 Commentary / Professor Laura Hammond, SOAS University of London

15.30-15.45 Voices of young people with refugee background / Abolfazl Ebrahimi and Nasteha Mahamud Mahamed

15.45-16.00 Developing services for unaccompanied minors / Ministerial Advisor Anna Bruun, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

16.00-16.30 Discussion


20.5.2022 / Family Separation, Migration Status and Everyday Security

Online and at the Migration Institute of Finland at 9.45am-12.00am.
Kindly note that changes in the programme are still possible.

9.45-10.00 Opening / Senior Research Fellow Marja Tiilikainen, Migration Institute of Finland

Session III: Irregular migration and its impact on family life

10.00-10.45 Tahriib and everyday insecurity of left-behind families in Somalia / Researcher Abdirashid Ismail, Migration Institute of Finland

10.45-11.00 Commentary / Senior Researcher Jill Alpes, Ghent University

11.00-11.15 Commentary / TBC

11.15-11.45 Discussion

11.45-12.00 Concluding words

For questions and cancellations, please contact