You are warmly invited to attend the final events of the Drawing Together project, an international study exploring relational wellbeing in the lives of young refugees.
- The main event is an exhibition showcasing art and stories made by young refugees about their experiences building new lives in Finland, Norway and Scotland. The original artworks, photographs and videos on display describe these young people’s thoughts about safety, hope, belonging and success. The exhibition is free and open to the public.
Where: Tampere University (City centre campus main building, Alakuppilan aula, Kalevantie 4).
When: 18.3.-12.4.2024. Monday-Friday 7am-8pm, Saturday 8am-3pm
- The exhibition seminar will be held on Tuesday 19th March. During the seminar, we will view a documentary film about the project, made by the filmmaker Petter Korkman. Following the viewing, a panel discussion will be held in which project researchers, participants and guest speakers discuss the ways of working with young people using arts-based methods. We will then have the opportunity to take part in a collaborative art activity and see a musical performance by some of the artists, before viewing the exhibition itself. The language of the seminar will be a mix of Finnish and English.
Where: Edu’s café (Tampere university city centre campus, Virta building, Åkerlundinkatu 5, Tampere)
When: Tuesday 19.3.2024, 2pm-7pm
If you are interested in attending, please register here by 11.3.2024
Kindly note that the seminar space is limited. In case you need to cancel, please notify us and give a spot for another interested person!
The Drawing Together project is funded by NordForsk (2020-2024). For more information, see the project website:
See also our special issue of Social Sciences, ‘Relational Wellbeing in the Lives of Young Refugees’.
For any inquiries, please contact: Nick Haswell,