Academy of Finland 2019–2021
Consortium project director: Dr. Jan Hendrik te Lintelo (Institute of Development Studies, UK)
Project director in Finland: Miika Tervonen
Project objective:
The research project produces new knowledge of structures and processes through which different migrants forced to leave their homes are either integrated into European and Indian cities or remain at their margins. Forced migration, which has become a long-term phenomenon, is a growing global phenomenon with a strong focus on cities. From this starting point, the project provides new information on ways to create belonging, participation and well-being in the urban area and compares different urban environments in India, Finland, Norway and the United Kingdom. The project consists of interviews of migrants, authorities and organisational actors, investigation of policy towards migrants at a local level and mapping of the physical urban environment and the well-being of migrants. In addition, the project involves implementing humanitarian architecture design studios relating to reception centres and emergency accommodation. Through multidisciplinary research methods, the project provides information on opportunities for strengthening equality and well-being in urban environments.
Key partners:
Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, University of Brighton School of Architechture and Design, University of Sussex School of Social work & Care, Ambedkar University of the Govt of Delhi ja Oslo School of Architechture and Design.
Project researchers: