The theme issue Moninaiset kieliyhteisöt työssä ja arjessa – Diverse Language Communities in Work and Everyday Life (Migration-Muuttoliike 1/2024) has been published.
We are organising a launch of the theme issue on Thursday 13 June at 1-2pm. We will introduce the issue, and authors Nilay Kılınç, Eva Rönkkö and Irina Piippo will briefly present their papers.
This will be a hybrid event, so it’s possible to participate on site at the Migration Institute in Turku, or online.
If you do choose to travel to Turku, you are also warmly welcome to the Migration Institute’s 50-year anniversary park concert in the Tuomiokirkko park at 6pm.
Registration June 11 at the latest.
A Zoom link will be sent the day before the event.
More information: