The Migration Institute of Finland publishes, both for the wider public and for the research community, a range of publications dealing with topics relating to the Institute’s mandate: international migration (both incoming and outgoing), domestic internal migration, ethnic groups and relations, and other related matters.  

The Institute publishes in Finnish, Swedish and English, and may also publish in other languages, subject to agreement.

The Institute’s publications are hosted on an open access platform, and can be read in digital format without fee. By submitting your book/article to us for publication, you also grant the Institute the right to publish it immediately for Open Access in both printed and online digital form under a CC-BY-4 license. This means that others may copy, transmit, distribute and display the copyrighted work, as well as modified versions based on it, only if they cite your name as the original author.

More about the publication process, our writing guidelines and the form to send us your publication proposal can be found below.

Any questions regarding publication and the publication proposal form should be sent to

The Institute’s four main publication channels are:

1. Research Series

Works published in the Research Series include peer-reviewed (JUFO1) scholarly monographs (both by single authors and edited works by multiple authors), and edited versions of doctoral dissertations. (See ‘Publication Process’ > ‘Peer Review’ in the instructions below.) The decision to publish rests with the Director of the Institute, acting on the recommendation of the Series Committee. The works in the series can be 100-250 pages long.


The Research Series has been awarded the Peer-Review Label of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.

The peer-review procedures conform to the guidelines of the Federation and of the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing (available in Finnish only), as well as the classification criteria of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies’ Publications Forum. The Research Series also fulfills the open-access criteria of the Academy of Finland.

Research Series Committee

Dr Tomas Hanell, Senior Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland

Professor Peter Kivisto, Augustana College

Assistant Professor Anitta Kynsilehto, University of Tampere

Dr Markku Mattila, Senior Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland

Committee Chair Dr Saara Pellander, Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Docent Daniel Rauhut, University of Lund

Docent Kirsti Salmi-Niklander, University of Helsinki

Dr Marja Tiilikainen, Research Director, Migration Institute of Finland


2. Publications Series

The Publications Series includes works addressed both to the research community and to the wider public, such as research reports, scholarly monographs, doctoral dissertations, enquiry reports, and study materials. The Publications are not subject to peer review, but are evaluated for publication within the Migration Institute of Finland. The works in the series can be 100-250 pages long.

Publications Series Committee

Dr Saara Pellander, Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Dr Markku Mattila, Senior Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland

Kirsi Sainio, Administrative Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Dr Marja Tiilikainen, Research Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Dr Tomas Hanell, Senior Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland


3. Reports

The Reports Series includes a wide range of works addressed both to the research community and to the wider public, such as reports, working papers and the like. As a rule, the works are not peer-reviewed, but are evaluated for publication within the Migration Institute of Finland. Works in the Series are mainly short writings of less than 100 pages and are generally published only in electronic form, but also in printed form if necessary.

Reports Series Committee

Dr Saara Pellander, Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Dr Markku Mattila, Senior Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland

Kirsi Sainio, Administrative Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Dr Marja Tiilikainen, Research Director, Migration Institute of Finland

Dr Tomas Hanell, Senior Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland

4. The Journal Migration-Muuttoliike

Migration–Muuttoliike magazine is built around a changing theme, with 3-5 research-based main articles and these are followed by concise “perspective” speeches based on practical experience. In addition, the magazine includes a “Horizon” expert article based on a common theme and a “Factors of the future” section. The latter provides a platform for young promises to highlight interesting and relevant perspectives around the theme. The magazine also includes book reviews, which offer the opportunity to follow fresh discussions in the field of migration. As a rule, no footnotes, endnotes or literature references are attached to the articles. In connection with the text, you can mention studies and other works, and if necessary, you can add a short list of sources and literature at the end of the text. The articles are not peer-reviewed, but are processed by the journal’s editorial board. The appropriate length for a theme article is 3-7 pages (12,000-28,000 characters including spaces) and 1-3 pages (4,000-12,000 characters including spaces) for book reviews and other writings.

Publication schedule for the journal Migration–Muuttoliike

Issue       Deadline      Published

1                 March 15         May

2                Sep 15              November

Migration–Muuttoliike Editorial Committee

Dr Saara Pellander, Director, Migration Institute of Finland, Editor-in-Chief

Kirsi Sainio, Administrative Director, Migration Institute of Finland, Editorial Secretary

Other members of the committee will change in each issue.

Instructions and stylesheet
Publication process
Book publication proposal form
Publication series
At the moment, the Migration Institute of Finland has four publication series. We also publish works outside these series. More detailed information on the publication series can be found in our…
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Parallel publications
Researchers of the Migration Institute of Finland also publish in other scientific publications. Some of these publications are available as so-called parallel publications, which are versions…
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