This online conference is based on results from the cross-disciplinary Nordic research project Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) on the health, education and labour market affiliation of refugee young people, and on how the different conditions and efforts in the Nordic countries affect their course of life.

The project objective was to create a better understanding of how health, education and employment jointly play a role in the process of integration of young refugees in the Nordics. By comparisons of the differences between otherwise similar countries the results can identify possible effects of policy decisions and disentangle some of the processes forming the health and welfare trajectories of young refugees.

Unique register data across the Nordic countries will be presented. In addition, analyses of Nordic health reception as well as qualitative studies on educational and labour market policies and practices related to young refugees will be disseminated.

The participants will be invited to discuss the learnings from the results in a national and local perspective and their implications for integration policies for different groups of refugees.

Main topics at the online event:

  • Integration of refugees: the interactive dynamics of health, education and employment
  • Educational trends, patterns of employment and selected health indicators among young refugees
  • A healthy start: A comparative analysis of health reception policies for asylum-seeking and refugee children in the Nordic Countries
  • Young refugees’ pathways in(to) education – Teacher and student voices: challenges, opportunities, and dilemmas

Link to the conference website and free registration:

Siirtolaisuusinstituutti on ainoa sekä muuttoliikkeiden tutkimukseen että dokumentoimiseen erikoistunut laitos Suomessa. Erityinen tehtävämme koskee ulkomailla asuvien suomalaisten elämän…
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