A hybrid seminar online via Zoom or at the Migration Institute of Finland (Hämeenkatu 13, Turku)

The Migration Institute of Finland organizes research seminars open to the public, where researchers conducting migration and related research lecture on their research topics. A participation link to the Zoom seminar will be emailed during the same day.


Ayan Yasin Abdi: Diasporic Somali Migration to Turkey: Exploring the Intersection of Mobility, Place, and Geopolitics

Ayan Yasin Abdi, Fulbright and PhD-Fellow at the Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University (IKH), Denmark. She teaches and publishes in the areas of diasporic cultures, ethnicity and minority studies, transnational ties, migration and mobility, post-migration movements, decolonial studies, and racialization.

Heli Askola: Regulating family life: migration, citizenship and gender in Australia

Heli Askola is Associate Professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Her work focuses on the comparative regulation of migration, including labour and family migration, trafficking in human beings, citizenship policy and multiculturalism.


Please register here by 13 June

A participation link to the Zoom seminar will be emailed during the same day.

For more information: toni.ahvenainen(a)migrationinstitute.fi

Siirtolaisuusinstituutti on ainoa sekä muuttoliikkeiden tutkimukseen että dokumentoimiseen erikoistunut laitos Suomessa. Erityinen tehtävämme koskee ulkomailla asuvien suomalaisten elämän…
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