Lecture on critical integration research by Marit Aure (UiT, The Arctic University of Norway), and book launch of Migration and Families in East and North Europe. Translocal Lifelines on Tuesday, February 27th 2024, at the Migration Institute of Finland (Turku) and online


13.30-14.15 pm Lecture by Marit Aure (UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø)

Living with differences and critical integration research. Findings from Cit-egration (Sustainable diverse cities: Innovation in Integration)

14.15-14.30 Discussion

Marit Aure is professor in sociology and head of department at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in Tromsø. Her research interests encompass international and national migration and integration, gender, masculinity, employment-related mobility, (coastal) rural and urban development, just cities and art-based action-oriented research. Aure engages in participatory research.

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-15.45 Book launch of Migration and Families in East and North Europe. Translocal Lifelines. Edited by Laura Assmuth, Marit Aure, Marina Hakkarainen and Pihla Maria Siim. Routledge 2023. Studies in Migration and Diaspora.


Laura Assmuth (Professor Emerita, Social and Public Policy, University of Eastern Finland):
The aims of the book

Marina Hakkarainen (independent researcher/Fellow of the European University at St. Petersburg):
Negotiating same-sex family space between Finland and Russia

Minna Säävälä (Chief specialist, Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment):
Comments on the book from the perspective of integration services

Vytis Čiubrinskas (Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vytautas Magnus University):
Current issues of comparative research on Central Eastern European migration (online)



If you plan to attend, either live or online, please remember to register here by February 25th.

A participation link (zoom) for those attending online will be emailed during the same day.

For more information, contact event chair, Research Fellow Pihla Maria Siim (pihla.siim@migrationinstitute.fi)

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