A hybrid seminar online via Zoom or at the Migration Institute of Finland (Hämeenkatu 13, Turku)
The Migration Institute of Finland organizes research seminars open to the public, where researchers conducting migration research lecture on their research topics. A participation link to the Zoom seminar will be emailed during the same day.
The board of the Migration Institute of Finland can award a prize every two years for the best doctoral dissertation related to migration and ethnic relations completed at Finnish universities. The board of the Migration Institute of Finland decides separately on the size of the prize to be awarded at any given time, in 2022 the prize was €4,000.
All ten dissertations submitted for evaluation were very good and deserve praise and attention. However, the jury was unanimous in nominating Olivia Maury’s research for the award.
All nominees:
Harjumaa, Tiina (2021). Menetetty ja läsnä oleva Petsamo. Menneisyyden tulkitseminen ja historian rakentuminen petsamolaisessa muistiyhteisössä. Lapin yliopisto.
Hewidy, Hossam (2022). The hidden city of immigrants in Helsinki’s urban leftovers – The homogenization of the city and the lost diversity. Aalto University.
Hong, Tuuli (2020). Kunniaan liittyvän väkivallan uhrin oikeudellinen asema. Turun yliopisto.
Kanstrén, Kaisu (2021). Expatriate partners: career identity, career capital and subjective well-being perspectives. Vaasan yliopisto.
Leppäkorpi, Mervi (2021). In search of a normal life. An ethnography of migrant irregularity in Northern Europe. Itä-Suomen yliopisto.
Maury, Olivia (2021). Punctuated Lives: Student-Migrant-Workers’ Encounters with the Temporal Border Regime. Helsingin yliopisto.
Ndukwe, Thaddeus Chijioke (2022). Immigrant Political Integration in Finland. The Perspectives of Black African Immigrants at the Municipal Level. Jyväskylän yliopisto.
Petäjäniemi, Maria (2022). (Un)becoming an asylum seeker: nomadic research with men awaiting an asylum decision. Oulun yliopisto.
Sandell, Karin (2022). Parasiter och ”bättre folk”. Affekt i näthat mot det svenska i Finland. Åbo Akademi.
Sipinen, Josefina (2022). Recruitment of Immigrant-origin Candidates in Finnish Municipal Elections. Tampereen yliopisto.
Coffee and light refreshments
Dissertation Award winner 2022 Olivia Maury will talk about her thesis “Punctuated Lives: Student-Migrant-Workers’ Encounters with the Temporal Border Regime” (University of Helsinki, 2021)
Mika Raunio, Research Fellow, Migration Institute of Finland
Gabriel Olegário, Research Assistant, Migration Institute of Finland
Please register here by January 30.

A participation link to the Zoom seminar will be emailed during the same day.
For more information: toni.ahvenainen(a)migrationinstitute.fi