In the age of anger, economic crisis, moral outrage, and digitalization of everyday life, issues of strategic ignorance and racialized inequality are two particularly troubling and intellectually challenging areas. In accordance with the surveys of World Economic Forum, ignorance as a “large-scale cyberattack and breakdown of critical information infrastructure and networks” is regarded as the second-highest risk to society in 2019. With the explosion of the attention economy, political communication and the global internet access giving way to pseudo-science and popular meme and slogan shopping, user activists and others have contributed to a global crisis of facts that take strong toll on the functioning of democratic society.
In this talk, I intend to show how strategic ignorance works, particularly through the eyes of those who look, talk, write and contest the presence and identity of what broadly is being referred to as migrants. I will argue that ideology, discriminatory practice, and a basic belief in the “nation at danger” operates according to a fractal principle in Denmark that erases facts and becomes one of the major expressions of a crisis of credible information vital to the well-functioning of democracy.
Peter Hervik
Peter Hervik, is an anthropologist, Ph.D., IMER, docent. Independent scholar, Member of NOISE – Network of Independent Scholars of Education (Copenhagen), senior researcher at the Free University in Copenhagen, former professor in migration studies.
Please register here until November 8
The lecture will be held in hybrid form and will be available via Zoom or you can participate personally at The Migration Institute of Finland, Hämeenkatu 13, Turku.
Please note, that the seats are limited.

More information: marja.tiilikainen@migrationinstitute.fi