World Refugee Day event, 20.6.2023 at 16-18, Migration Institute of Finland (Hämeenkatu 13, lecture hall & lobby, 3rd floor)


16:00-16:10 Welcome – Eveliina Lyytinen, Migration Institute of Finland

16:10-16:30 Right to refuge: a legal perspective – Michel Rouleau-Dick, Institute for Human Rights, Minority Research, ÅAU

16:30-16:50 Deportation-related art – Rewan Kakil & Ahmed Zaidan, Migration Institute of Finland

16:50-17:00 Refreshments served

17:00-18:00 Art & action mini-fair – organizations and artists

Please, note:

  • No registration: first come-first serve for around 40 people
  • Safer space rules applied
  • Doors to the building will be closed after 16:15: in case you come late, please, call Eveliina Lyytinen (0400-219184)

Lisätietoja: eveliina.lyytinen(a)

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