Key dates:
Full manuscript submission deadline: June 13, 2021
Special Issue Publication date: December 2021

The Finnish Yearbook of Population Research is a peer reviewed, open access journal published by the Population Research Institute of the Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto) in collaboration with The Finnish Demographic Society and The Migration Institute of Finland. The Yearbook, published since 1946, deals with a wide range of global demographic issues as well as current population trends in Finland, Scandinavia, the Baltic countries, and other parts of Europe. 

We invite you to contribute to the special theme issue of the 2021 volume. The Yearbook publishes articles from different fields of population studies (fertility, mortality, migration, family and population structure), original articles as well as book reviews and commentaries.

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Tältä sivulta löydät Siirtolaisuusinstituutin tuoreimmat uutiset. Tapahtumat löytyvät omalta sivultaan.
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Siirtolaisuusinstituutti on ainoa sekä muuttoliikkeiden tutkimukseen että dokumentoimiseen erikoistunut laitos Suomessa. Erityinen tehtävämme koskee ulkomailla asuvien suomalaisten elämän…
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