An online seminar via Zoom.

The Migration Institute of Finland organizes research seminars open to the public, where researchers conducting migration and related research lecture on their research topics. A participation link to the Zoom seminar will be emailed during the same day.


• Senior Research Fellow Kate Golebiowska: Catalyzing business dreams? Learning from the Start:ME accelerator for migrant and minority women micro-entrepreneurs in Atlanta, USA

Kate Golebiowska is an Australian Fulbright Scholar who is interested in how immigration policy, economics, and social structures intersect and can be shaped to improve migrants’ economic and social participation. Her work sits at the intersection of migration studies, human geography and entrepreneurship. Kate recently returned from Emory University in Atlanta, where, as a Fulbright awardee, she investigated the Start:ME Accelerator offered by this University to women microentrepreneurs from migrant and minority backgrounds. Kate considers her research on Start:ME to be public knowledge and shares it with stakeholders with a view to inform the development of similar programs that would provide migrant women with alternatives to working for someone else. Kate has a PhD in Public Policy from the Australian National University in Canberra and an MA in Political Science from the University of Warsaw. She is a Senior Research Fellow at Charles Darwin University in Darwin, Australia and serves as the Vice-President of the Australian Population Association.

• Associate professor Maria Elo: Migrant women entrepreneurs: A strategic resource?

Maria Elo, associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark, professor at the BRIIB Institute of International Business at Shanghai University, Senior Fellow, University of Turku, and adjunct professor at Åbo Akademi University works in the area of international business, -entrepreneurship and -migration with topics such as internationalization, human stickiness, resources of skilled migrants and returnees, migrant and diaspora entrepreneurship, transnational and family businesses, diaspora networks in international business, diaspora investment and remittances. She has published books and articles, for example, in Journal of International Management, Journal of International Business Policy, Industrial Marketing Management, Regional Studies, Journal of International Entrepreneurship and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.


Please register here by November 20

A participation link to the Zoom seminar will be emailed during the same day.

For more information: linda.backman(a)

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