Eveliina Lyytinen

Specialforskare +358 400 219 184

Phil. Dr., docent

  • Påtvingad migration
  • Landsflykt / Exil
  • Deportering
  • Kvantitativa forskningsmetoder
  • Forskningsetik
  • Urbana flyktingar
  • Reserv stödperson för forskningsetik vid Migrationsinstitutet



Min forskning och specialkompetens gäller breda teman i anslutning till asylsökande och flyktingskap. Jag har undersökt bland annat skydd av stadsflyktingar, sysselsättning av unga med flyktingbakgrund samt utvisning av asylsökande. Jag är speciellt intresserad av att sammanföra begrepp inom kulturgeografi med flyktingforskning, kvalitativ forskning och deltagande metoder. Jag upplever att forskningen på området bör sträva efter att ändra lagstiftningen och politiken i en mer human riktning.


Mobile Futures: Mångfald, förtroende och tvåvägsintegration (Rådet för strategisk forskning (RSF), som verkar i anslutning till Finlands Akademi, 2024-2027)

Intimate geographies of bordering: Deportability and its effects on Finnish citizens with foreign spouses and their extend (Finlands Akademi, 2022-2024)

Aktionsforskning om möjligheten att avvisa asylsökande (Forskningsdoktorprojekt, Finlands Akademi, 2018–2022)

Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) – Health and Socio-Economic Inequities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies (NordForsk, 2015-2018)

Spaces of trust and mistrust: Congolese refugees, institutions and protection in Kampala, Uganda (avhandling, School of Geography, University of Oxford, flera finansiärer, 2009–2014)

Urvalda publikationer

Lyytinen, E. (2023) Superdiversiteetti kotouttavassa turvapaikka-aktivismissa. In: Martikainen, T. & S. Pöyhönen (eds.) Superdiversiteetti. Näkökulmia maahanmuuton monimuotoisuuteen. SKS, Helsinki, 373-398. https://doi.org/10.21435/skst.1489

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2022) Revisiting the ‘dual imperative’ of forced-migration studies – commentary to Refstie. Fennia – International Journal of Geography, https://doi.org/10.11143/fennia.123036

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2021) ‘I have my everything in here’: Welcome, unwelcome and rewelcome in asylum seeker’s deportability, Hospitality & Society, https://doi.org/10.1386/hosp_00042_1

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2020) “Rebellious research” on deportability – Combining We see you’s core areas of academia, activism, and arts. Siirtolaisuus-Migration, 2: 23-24 (https://siirtolaisuusinstituutti.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sm2_2020.pdf)

Lyytinen, Eveliina (toim.)(2019) Turvapaikanhaku ja pakolaisuus Suomessa. Turku: Siirtolaisuusinstituutti. (http://kauppa.siirtolaisuusinstituutti.fi/product/214/turvapaikanhaku-ja-pakolaisuus-suomessa)

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2019) ‘In a group you feel OK, but outside there you are ready to die’ – The role of a support group in disabled refugees’ struggles for their ‘right to the city’ in Kampala, Uganda. Michael E Leary-Owhin & John P McCarthy (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, the City and Urban Society. London: Routledge.

Lyytinen, Eveliina & Nita Toom (2019) Two-way labour market integration? Perspectives on youth with a refugee background and employers in Finland. CAGE project report (https://cage.ku.dk/publications/reports/)

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2018) Taisteleva tutkimus turvapaikanhakijoiden karkotettavuudesta. Siirtolaisuus-Migration 2, 35–37. (http://www.migrationinstitute.fi/files/pdf/siirtolaisuus-migration/s-m_2_2018_nettiin.pdf)

Vuolteenaho, Jani & Eveliina Lyytinen (2018) Reflections on the variations and spatialities of (un)welcome – commentary to Gill. Fennia, 196 (1): 118–123.

Gauffin, Karl & Eveliina Lyytinen (2017) Working for Integration – A Comparative Analysis of Policies Impacting Labour Market Access among Young Immigrants and Refugees in the Nordic Countries. CAGE project report. (http://cage.ku.dk/publications/CAGE_Policy_Report_1.pdf)

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2017) Refugees ‘Journeys of Trust: Creating an Analytical Framework to Examine Refugees Exilic Journeys with a Focus on Trust. Journal of Refugee Studies, 30 (4): 489–501 (doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/few035)

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2016) Informal places of protection: Congolese refugees’ ‘communities of trust’ in Kampala, Uganda. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2016.1207506)

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2015) Congolese refugees’ ‘right to the city’ and urban protection in Kampala, Uganda. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 9 (4): 593-611

Lyytinen, Eveliina (2015) Lyytinen, Eveliina (2015) Refugees’ Conceptualizations of “Protection Space”: Geographical Scales of Urban Protection and Host–Refugee Relations. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 34 (2): 45-77.

Undervisning och handledning

Camilla Marucco Al-Mimar (defended 7.6.2024)

XSTL1054 Forced Migration and Refugee Studies course (University of Turku and Open University of Turku, 2020-)

Doktorand handledning: Ilona Blumgrund (Teologia, Åbo Akademi), Liselott Sundbäck (Sosiaalipolitiikka, Åbo Akademi)